American Standard Black Serama


Comb, Face, Wattles, & Ear Lobes: Deep Red
Beak: Black Shading over Yellow
Eyes: Reddish Bay
Shanks & Toes: Black Shading Over Yellow
Plumage: Refer to black color variety, ABA bantam standard.

- Shank and toe color other than standard.
- Absolute enamel white earlobes.
- More than one appearance of more than one half inch of positive white in any section of the plumage.
- Any appearance of any other color excepting varying shades of gray in undercolor in any section of the plumage. This would include leakage of any color other than black in the hackle, saddle, wing, tail, etc.

- Absolute enamel white in face of cock or hen- disqualification in cockerels and pullets.
- Purple sheen or purple barring of plumage.
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